セティス大学との交流プログラムを実施しました!/Held an exchange program with Cetys University! | News&Topics | 総合交流センター | 大阪商業大学 - Osaka University of Commerce


セティス大学との交流プログラムを実施しました!/Held an exchange program with Cetys University!

イベント 2024/07/05


(English below)

歓迎会1 歓迎会2


たこやき1 たこやき2
19日(水)のたこ焼きパーティーはGETコース生が主体となり、企画・準備・運営を行いました。アイスブレークとしてゲームPictionary を行ったあと、たこ焼きについての説明を実施し、実際にたこ焼き作りを体験してもらいました。楽しい時間はあっという間に過ぎ、最後にプレゼントをお渡しして集合写真を撮影しました。

The students and faculty visited OUC from Cetys University, and we held an exchange program from June 18th to 20th.
Cetys University is one of our partner universities and a private university located in Mexico. We held an exchange program with Cetys University for the first time in the aim of developing global awareness of our students, providing an opportunity for Cetys students to learn about the culture, and enhancing inter-university exchanges.
In addition to special classes, we held several events such as a welcome party, a Takoyaki Party planned by GET course students and an off-campus activity planned by OBP course students.
After Cetys students took classes, we received feedback that "the class was interesting," "the professor taught the class using Spanish and it was fun" etc.
On June 18th, we held a welcome party, and they played a number finding game, a gesture game and a game called body clock.
After dividing into groups, they looked for papers with numbers and competed with their total points, enjoyed a gesture game, and counted 1 minute without looking at a screen and competed for the accuracy. Through the games, they became friends and there were a lot of smiles during the event.
On June 19th, GET course students planned, prepared and managed the takoyaki party. They played the game Pictionary as an ice breaker, learned about takoyaki, and experienced making takoyaki. It was over before we realized, and finally OUC students gave a gift to Cetys students and took a group photo.
On June 20th, the off-campus activity was planned, prepared and managed by OBP course students. They broke up into groups and decided on a theme about how to show off the great things about Osaka. Based on the theme, each group went to places such as abeno harukas and Dotonbori.
OUC students got inspired through this program.
Thank you so much to Cetys University students and faculties for coming to OUC. We really enjoyed having you here.

大阪商業大学 総合交流センター


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